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Sessions data

In case of multiple sessions, you can add sessions files to describe changing variables between sessions, for example repeated measures taken such as blood pressure. There should be one sessions.tsv file for each subject, containing the data, accompanied by a single sessions.json file at the root of the dataset.

Format Summary

The session.tsv is stored within every subject directory with the prefix sub-<label>. The accompaning session.json can be stored at the root of your repository according to the inheritance principle.

└── your_study/
    ├── dataset_description.json
    ├── participants.json
    ├── participants.tsv
    ├── sessions.json
    └── sub-s001/
        ├── ses-1/
        ├── ses-2/
        ├── ses-3/

Content of sessions.tsv

The first column of the tabular file must be session_id containing the session labels in the format of session-<label>. For each session exactly one row must exist.

session_id column1 column2
ses-label value value
ses-label value value
ses-label value value


session_id acq_time blood_pressure
ses-1 2023-03-14T16:13:26.772500 120
ses-2 2023-03-21T16:02:59.492500 100
ses-3 2023-03-28T16:02:18.385000 110

Content of sessions.json

Every column must be described within the sessions.json file.

        "session_id": {
            "Description": "A participant ID",
            "Levels": {
                "ses-1": "description",
                "ses-2": "description",
                "ses-3": "description"
        "column1": {
            "Description": "description",
            "Unit": "description"
        "column2": {
            "Description": "description"