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Rules to follow

All users agree to GitLab's Term of Use. Additionally, all users agree to the following rules and any further requirements set by the ANC administrators.

The list will be updated with the evolution of the ANC.

User account

  • Users must not share accounts with anyone.
  • If not enabled by default, 2FA must be used.
  • Users must not create projects other than BIDS dataset projects. For personal projects use, for example, For projects related to the ANC use group.

User permissions

  • When adding new user to a dataset project, assign lowest necessary role. Developer is the highest recommended role.

Dataset projects

  • A dataset project must belong to one research unit group in BIDS Datasets group.
  • Contents of a dataset project must obey BIDS specification. Necessary updates should be made to follow any changes to BIDS specification.
  • Derivates should not be stored directly in a BIDS dataset.
  • A dataset project must be private.
  • A dataset project must have a descriptive name and a concise slug.
  • Short description of a dataset project is recommended.
  • The main branch of a dataset project must be kept clean, for example, changes that break BIDS validation must not be merged in.


  • BIDS Datasets group is the top-level group for BIDS datasets.
  • BIDS Datasets group has research unit subgroups.
  • A research unit group must not have further subgroups.
  • A research unit group must be public.
  • A research unit group must have a descriptive name and a concise URL.
  • Short description of a dataset project group is recommended. Consider adding URL to the gorup's website.

Meta data

  • Although the data is not publicly available by default, some meta data of dataset projects will be made findable through a querying interface and API. The details will follow. This meta data must be provided.