Step 2: Data Acquisition
1. Naming
Use the participant identifier as before, using the mothers name and the participants birth date.
Birthdate YYYYMMDD
+ first and third letter of the mothers first name + the first and the third letter of the mothers birthname.
2. Save participant info in the OBOB-MRI-Database
Upload demographics to the OBOB-MRI-Database.
Soon there will also be an automatic upload of the audiogram data to the mridb.
3. Save data to Aquisition workstation ("sinuhe")
Fred will do this. Select the study acronym that you will keep consistent from now on. The study acronym should be your initials + underscore + study type. eg. If your name is Nora Sauer and you are doing a lipreading study, the study acronym will be ns_lipreading
Subject Identifier:
see Naming
A block is a run within a session. Blocks are usually separated by short breaks during which the participant is asked about their well-being.
If there are conditions that differ between the blocks (for example one block is auditory only speech and the other visual speech) this can be defined in the task.
File naming requirements
For a resting state block:
If there are two different tasks with each 2 blocks:
If the task is in all blocks are the same:
4. Create your project on the ANC
Get the ANC account and get access to your working group (If you don't find your research unit group, please ask to create the group for you by sending an email to including: your user name, the full name of the group, its abbreviated name used in URLs, and a description). Create your project, named by the study acronym.