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Step 4: Add events annotations

The ANC requires all columns and values of tabular files to at least have a free text description. Further we recommend adding Hierarchical Event Descriptor (HED) annotations. Here we will guide you through the process of adding this information. You can do this step as soon as you have the first events.tsv file, whether it is based on the first participant or pilot data.

Use the HED tools to automatically generate a .json file for your events.tsv file.

  • Under Action select Generate JSON sidecar template from the drop down menu
  • Under Input click Browse to upload your events.tsv file
  • A table will appear with all columns found in your event file. Add all column except the onset column. Mark which columns contain categorical values.
  • Click Process

After several seconds you will get a json file template. The template will contain a key for each of the columns in your events.tsv file. Depending on whether the column was a value or category column different information for each column is required.

A category column has the fields Description, Levels, and HED. The Description should be a description the content of the column. Levels contains multiple fields, each corresponding to a value appearing in a column. The HED key also contains multiple fields for each appearing value. Check out the HED documentation to learn more about adding HED tags. The ANC offers active support for HED annotation so feel free to reach out to your data steward.

A value column has the fields Description, Units, and HED. The Description should be a description the content of the column. The Units should describe the unit of a values represented as a column. Note that value columns can also be used for individual words, or image files that were presented in an experiment. In this case you can remove the Units key. The HED field contains a single string in the case of a value column. This should contain at least a HED tag with a # to replace with the column value. For more information, see the HED documentation.

    "duration": {
        "Description": "Description for duration",
        "HED": "(Label/duration, ID/#)"
    "column_nameA": {
        "Description": "Description for column_nameA",
        "HED": {
            "categoryA": "(Label/column_nameA, ID/categoryA)",
            "categoryB": "(Label/column_nameA, ID/categoryB)",
            "categoryC": "(Label/column_nameA, ID/categoryC)"
        "Levels": {
            "categoryA": "Here describe column value categoryA of column column_nameA",
            "categoryB": "Here describe column value categoryB of column column_nameA",
            "categoryC": "Here describe column value categoryC of column column_nameA"
    "column_nameB": {
        "Description": "Description for column_nameB",
        "HED": "(Label/column_nameB, ID/#)"

Once you have filled in your descriptions you can add the file to your dataset. You should rename the file to task-<taskName>_events.json and place it on the root level of your datasets. BIDS will automatically apply descriptions to all matching events.tsv files in your dataset.